Ambitious together
Client: Bath and North East Somerset Council, Economic Recovery and Renewal Board
Economic Development
Strategy Research
Net Zero
July 2020 to Jan 2021
We undertook strategic research to help the Council's newly formed, cross-sector Economic Recovery and Renewal Board to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by developing a 2030 Renewal Vision.
Through engagement with the Council’s Cabinet, The Board, 100+ stakeholders and citizens we developed a focus on Bath with North East Somerset as a Fair, Green, Creative and Connected urban-rural City Region.
Central to the Renewal Vision was a commitment to achieving net zero carbon by 2030 and diversifying the local economy, which is currently reliant on tourism, retail and hospitality sectors.
We also advised on the future development and positioning of The Board itself, recommending a shift in emphasis and capability from ‘recovery’ to ‘future ambition’.
The Challenge
What we did
The Outcome
The pandemic and climate change are highlighting the need for long-term economic and social change led by Local Authorities and their strategic partners working together.
1-1 interviews with 55 senior leaders across the city region
8 themed workshops involving the Council’s Cabinet and stakeholders
Desk-top review of local strategies and relevant wider frameworks
Development of 4 Renewal Vision Stories’ to provoke creative thinking
Supporting citizen engagement, including producing 6 talking-heads videos with subject matter experts
Creating an immersive rich picture illustration of Bath with North East Somerset in 2030
Production and presentation of the high quality Ambitious Together report, including practical recommendations for the Board to take forward.
We presented the final 2030 Renewal Vision to The Board in March 2021 who welcomed the report and accepted its recommendations. The Council is now revising governance arrangements to transform the current group into The Future Ambition Board and is supporting the development of sector-based action plans. A public launch of the 2030 Renewal Vision is planned, as this was delayed due to pre-election restrictions.